
Python Datetime Module - How to work with Dates, Times, Timedeltas, and Timezones

In python DateTime library is very useful for in program inside using date,time,month,dayofmonth,weekday, isoweekday import datetime d =,7,13) print(d) you can see output 2020-07-13  and you set in syntex in month set 07 you put syntex error. if you knowing today local date import datetime tday = print(tday) In output you can see today's date. import datetime tday = print(                    <- here you can use month,day etc. if you use date of the week it's two type import datetime tday = print(tday.weekday()) print(tday.isoweekday()) you see in to the output 1 and 2 For weekday Moday is o and sunday is 6 For isoweekday is 1 and sunday is 7 Now create timedelta for one week away for 7 day import datetime tday = tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days=7) print(tday + tdelta) In  output you can see date of 7 days import datetime tday = tdelta = da

Flutter Learning at a StatelessWidget

flutter is programming language developed by google. It is a run on android and ios both device. now starting flutter .a code is appbar Scaffold ( appBar: AppBar ( title: Text ( 'My First App' ) , centerTitle: true, backgroundColor: Colors. red [ 600 ] , ) , body: Center ( child: Image ( image: AssetImage ( 'assets/paguine.png' ) , ) ) , floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton ( onPressed: () {} , child: Text ( 'Click' ) , backgroundColor: Colors. red [ 600 ] , ) , ) ; } appbar inside many property like title title is a app title and if you are take a title in a center use centerTitle property and do property true,and if choose backgroundcolor you can use backGroundColor property, in abody section you do what inside body and child property use and in exammple you take some text or some thing new like image,in image property i use assetImage property for asset property i use and